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Demono_HomeAlone Quando o lar se torna o território do mal

I got afraid 3 times. The antagonist was genuinely unsettling.  

Interesting little experience.  The lore was deeper than the actual game though.  Looking forward to more.

- J'ai vraiment beaucoup adoré le jeu, le Lore du jeu semble très poussé, on en voudrait presque une suite. Bravo au développeur pour l'ambiance terrifiante.

- I really loved the game, the game's lore seems very advanced, we almost want a sequel. Bravo to the developer for the terrifying atmosphere.

These Games Were Overall Very Fun And Interactive But Weren't To Scary I'll Rate Them Both A 7.5/10.

First game

The ghost looks like my ex...

The mouse sensitivity was so low! the jumpscares were funny instead of creepy, the monster design is from a movie, but! the visual style and voice acting I liked it, so it's a meh


horror game my fuckin ass.

Very good short horror game, "This is my father" LOL:

Fun short game it got me a few times lol

Would have loved to see more lore in game, a fun horror game that just makes you hungry for more in the universe of the demono corporation. Can't wait to see the continuation.

"That's my dad!"

It was funny with some pretty good spooks in it. Really liked it, even when I sort of got lost a bit. 


buen juego, ojala ver como continua pronto

Just as the game was starting to get really good, it ended—but it was fun while it lasted! I hope you consider making a full-length game with this concept.

Enoyed the game, hope seeing more, l leave my gameplay 

Freaky Horror Game Monster lol, W Game

Thank you for the review!


Thank you for playing

I like the aesthetics and feel of the game, also was surprised to  find the game has voice acting! and it sounds like real people and not AI haha nice! but unless i'm missing something, the character moves way too slow. So i'll pass for now, since that's kinda annoying. You should add a sprint option or something similar!

 i like ure game !! want to make a collaboration in the future ??

We'll think about it, great music btw!

This game was very good. I wish I could have played more

Appreciate the review!

I liked this game but I am still kind of confused on why the monster came to kill me in the first place. Like if "Demono" is instagram, ok that's great. But what does that have to do with the monster? Anyways I liked the game, scary and a tad bit funny!

Us bro us.

Really enjoyed this game! Looking forward to future work!! :)

Thank you for playing!

Hi, I played your game and had an amazing time! Excellent work :)

Thank you for playing!

I like how the character you're playing as kinda broke the 4th wall after the lights went off in the house. Pretty funny! Good Game!

Thank you! And great video, I enjoyed it!

Thanx for watching!

I loved that the VA had the delivery of an unsurprising tone on having to check the basement! This was short but I hope you add to the story of the monster and the company's secret experiments. Great art style btw! And if you ever need a voice actor for upcoming games I'd love to connect! I do character work for several games and animation channels- My email is on my YouTube!

Thank you for playing and for the offer!

Nice short game definitely looking forward to play more of your games 


Thank you, we're working on the next one!

Hey! Para empezar el año les traigo este curioso y sombrio gameplay en español!  Acompañame y disfruta de un buen juego.☠️

Recuerda que si te gustó puedes dejar tu like y compartirlo con tus amigaos🥳

Thank you so much for playing!

A really nice Game, and the monster reminds me of the "Pale Lady" from "Scary Stories to tell in the Dark". Hope there comes more of this story with such nice Atmosphere. Not convinced yet? Take a peek at the Gameplay:


Thank you for the review!

Voice Acting Was Pretty Funny. Good Game

Thank you for playing!!


Thanks for playing!

Great work! I loved the art style and the creepy atmosphere. The background story is also intriguing, with the corporation hidden in the middle of the forest for security reasons. It really made me curious and excited for a sequel XD

(Gameplay in Portuguese)

Thank you for playing!

I really liked the game!! The artstyle is very unique and the player's sense of humor is also hahahaha, excited to try the rest of your games, keep going!!!


Thanks for the review!

Thanks to YOU for making this game!!

This honestly had me scared, even if it wasn't a big map or anything, it still had me worried and scared. Great game overall though!

Appreciate the review, thank you!

I love the art style of this game and the eerie atmosphere. I'm definitely looking forward to the next one.

Thank you so much for playing!

 any and all feedback is very appreciated:)

demons, human imposters?? Evil corporate human experiments. All in this video

Great video and great mustache! And thank you for playing!

What inspired your making of this game

Also, that lady's design reminds me of The Pale Lady from Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark except with a blobfish size face

Deleted post
(1 edit)

I wonder about that myself. The writer has a vision that I question as well.

And yes, the monster is indeed inspired by that lady..

Nice game here. Kinda wish there was more lore in the game. But beyond that, nice job.

Here's my channel for other games I have played.

Thank you for playing, we're working on the next one... so yeah, stay tuned!

Great little game, loved it!


Thank you!

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